Spring is not just a rebirth of the same life or a return of what was. Spring is a sign of new beginnings that come only after the “thief,” that is winter, has claimed its prize. And then with the warmth of newly bursting sun rays and the maternal touch of gentle spring rains, working in concert with the rest of nature, new life is birthed; not just mere change, but rather a transformation of what was before. Truly the saying, “old things have passed away, and all things are now new” (2nd Cor 5:17) is realized with each new bloom.
Yes, spring is here! It is the real new beginning. We may have already made our New Year’s resolutions and tried to start over. But January is not the best time to make real and lasting change. Just look at the promise of spring. Should we not rather work in concert with nature to effect change, or, should I say, transformation in our lives? We must resist the weight of yesterday and the harshness and death of winter that has now passed. We can reset, rebirth, reignite, rejuvenate, regrow, and start over this spring. We must use the strength of nature and the momentum of all the new life that is around us to build something new for ourselves. Truly, we are alive for such a time as this.
A lovely poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow well articulates this marvelous event:
“Ah, how wonderful is the advent of the Spring!—the great annual miracle…. which no force can stay, no violence restrain, like love, that wins its way and cannot be withstood by any human power, because itself is divine power. If Spring came but once in a century, instead of once a year, or burst forth with the sound of an earthquake, and not in silence, what wonder and expectation would there be in all hearts to behold the miraculous change!…”
Let’s embrace the wisdom and promise of spring!