
How Deep Is Your Love?

What happens when an atheist walks the green mile? Through stories that bridge divides, we're invited to witness the impact of genuine presence and the endless possibilities for transformation that arise from the depths of human connection and understanding.


The Hero’s Tale

Your hero's journey matters — Explore the interconnected stories that weave our collective destiny. Join me as we look into the hero's journey and discover the influences behind heroism and the values that guide them. In a world where values shape heroes, let's reflect on our own heroes.


Eggs and Evolution

Dive into a thought-provoking exploration of life, evolution, and the profound symbolism of the egg. Let's transcend traditional narratives and embrace our vulnerabilities, the beauty of our brokenness, and the endless possibilities for new beginnings.


A Child is Born, Again

Beyond the symbolic birth, we'll explore meaningful actions to foster lasting peace and goodwill. It's time to move beyond relying on miracles or babies to fix our problems.


Hope: Pathway to Possibility

In the grand scheme of global challenges, wars, terrorism, and humanitarian, economic, and ecological crises, participating in local school board elections may seem insignificant. But there is a profound connection between seemingly small actions and the...


In the Shadow of Eternity

Gazing at the profound mystery of life, we stand in this present moment, where the everlasting and the transient meet. In the absence of certainty and clarity, how are we to find meaning, hope, and perseverance for our journey? How do we redeem our days and...

Poems, Prayers, & Proclamations

Prayer at the Vigil for Victims of Gun Violence

"How do we ask of you to restore our nation, and other nations of the earth, and the earth itself with all its inhabitants, when we already know the way to our healing, when the issues that plague us are well within our power to resolve?"


A Life To Be Proud Of

June is traditionally the LGBTQ+ Pride month, and people from all walks of life will join the LGBTQ+ communities in promoting visibility and celebrating awareness.

Poems, Prayers, & Proclamations

Mother Blues

She sings of black eyes, broken bones, bruised lips, swollen cheeks, stiff backs, and crippled fingers... She sings of stolen identities, erased histories, sold virginities, of a disappeared child’s cry, and of fake smiles, telling lily-white lies.

Poems, Prayers, & Proclamations


Will our bodies betray or protect us when it arrives? We cannot leave it to chance or blissful ignorance. We cover; we distance; we resist, but never surrender.